Collector API

Use Collector API to query JSON for analysis

If you have a lot of data already stored in a Collector instance, you can query it and analyze the data for regressions in Horreum.


To configure a test to use the Collector API backend, you need to be a team administrator. With the correct permissions, you can:

  1. Generate a new API key for the Collector API backend: Please see the collector docs on how to Create a new API token
  2. Navigate to Administration -> Datastores configuration page, e.g. http://localhost:8080/admin#datastores
  3. Select the Team from the Team dropdown that you wish to configure
  4. Click New Datastore

New Datastore

  1. Configure the Collector API Datastore:

New Collector API Datastore

1. Select `Collector API` from the `Datastore Type` dropdown
2. Provide a `Name` for the Datastore
3. Enter the `URL` for the Collector instance
4. Enter the `API Key` for the Collector instance, generated in step 1
5. Click `Save`

Test Configuration

To configure a test to use the Collector API backend, you can:

  1. Navigate to a test configuration page, e.g. http://localhost:8080/test/10
  2. Select the Collector API backend defined in the Datastores configuration from the Datastore dropdown

Configure Test

  1. Click Save